
Where should it be applied?

Instantly clear and recognisable, our logo is used in almost all of our commercial communication activities. It’s use in commercial publications and brand communication ensures a higher degree of exposure of our brand.

The use of logos and other material belonging to Egholm A/S property rights are not permitted to be used directly by you in your own communication. All such corporate material is developed by Egholm and supplied to you.

The logotype must never be written in normal text – not even in the company font Roboto and with a green ”G” like: EGHOLM
It must always be the downloaded original logotype.

No part of the logo must be separated and used alone - eg. the middle "G" or the green arrow symbol. 

When written as plain text, Egholm must always be written Egholm and not with capitals EGHOLM.


All logotypes are available in CMYK and PANTONE (PMS) Colours for professional graphic production use and in RGB colour space for use in screen applications like Microsoft Office or online media.


Master logotype

Master logotype

The master logotype should be used as the first option at all times. Variations should be used only when background or colour space does not supply sufficient contrast to properly display the master logotype.

The logo must never be re-drawn or split into separate elements eg. the "G" or arrow symbol.

Isolation area

Isolation area

The Egholm logo should always be surrounded by a minimum area of space. The area of isolation ensures that headlines, text or other visual elements do not encroach the logo.

The area is defined by using the height of the lower part of the "E" in Egholm. A margin of clear space equivalent to this height is drawn around the logo to create the invisible boundary of the area of isolation.

The Egholm logotype must never be smaller than eg 30 mm wide.

All downloadable logo files in this guide are constructed with the isolation area included.

Isolation Area - illustration

Logo variations

In events where use of the master logotype is not possible one of the variations shown below may be used.

Logo Variation 04
Logo Variation 01
Logo Variation 02
Logo Variation 03

Egholm colour palette

Egholm standard colours are green, orange and three variations on grey.
The green colour represents our machines, the greys represent our attachments.
Orange can be used for callouts, buttons and contrast where needed.

    • HEX #40B143
    • RGB 6417767
    • CMYK 7001005
    • RAL 6018 - GELBGRÜN
    • PMS-C PANTONE 369 C
    • HEX #EA7125
    • RGB 23411337
    • CMYK 0651000
    • RAL 2011 - TIEFORANGE
    • PMS-C PANTONE 158 C
    • HEX #616265
    • RGB 9798101
    • CMYK 60404035
    • RAL 7031 - BLAUGRAU
    • PMS-C COOL GRAY 10 C
    • HEX #8C8D8E
    • RGB 140141142
    • CMYK 45303015
    • RAL 7036 - PLATINGRAU
    • HEX #D7D7D5
    • RGB 215, 215, 213
    • CMYK 000, 27
    • RAL 7047 - TELEGRAU
    • HEX #e1efe3
    • RGB 225, 239, 227
    • CMYK 15015, 0
    • RAL 6019 - WEIßGRÜN
    • PMS-C 621C

Corporate typography

Primary typography
Roboto is the primary typography for all marketing communication elements supported by Egholm such as sales and marketing material as well as manuals.

This means that Roboto will only appear in pdf files for the external reader ensuring that the font is readable.
Designed by Christian Robertson of Principal Design, Roboto has a dual nature. It has a mechanical skeleton and the forms are largely geometric. At the same time, the font features friendly and open curves.

Roboto font files are available in the "Downloadables" section.

Secondary typography
Egholm has chosen the typography Arial as the secondary typography.
Arial is used in all regular office material such as word documents, letters, e-mails etc. The typography is a part of the standard typography library in all Microsoft Windows versions after Windows 98.


Corporate taglines

Taglines are part of the Egholm corporate visual identity.

Our taglines may not be translated or altered in any way. Example to the right shows the use of tagline in French material.

When used on coloured background, the taglines must be in negative. 

See examples below on orange background.

Tagline files are available in under Downloadables.

French Ad
Honest Work
Honest People
Honest Machines
Honest Work - Neg
Honest People - Neg
Honest Machines - Neg